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Suspect List

  • Basil Carmody
  • John Franklin
  • Lawrence Blake
  • Martha Gilmont


2 Avg. Score
33% Solve Rate
05:49.60 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/10/19 Date Published

The Straw Hat Theater Mysteries - Box Office Nightmare

Written by William Shepard

The current show, “Lehar’s Merry Widow”, was a perennial favorite. It made no difference that half the audience knew all of the song lyrics by heart. They could - and often did - sing along with the cast as the numbers were performed. So why was it, Arthur Glendon said to himself as he opened the day’s mail, that the theater’s bills had not been paid in full? Here, for example, was a horrendous bill from Vermont Electric and Power. It had been a warm summer, but this was northern Vermont, after all, not Jamaica! Surely the air conditioners were not on 24 hours a day! And the catering bill, which supplied snacks for the cast and food for the lodge kitchen, was too high. All told, carry-over balances from the previous month’s bills were $400.