Top Sleuths

The best of the best, tabulated daily.

Last 30 Days

By Percentage
Sahana312 N/A 74%
Killy 67%
GlamorSleuth 67%
4 elolvido -3 66%
5 rachrey -1 63%
6 chloecoconut N/A 59%
7 debbiesmails -1 58%
8 myhoang -3 56%
9 Maya_and_Sadie N/A 56%
10 Sparkelle -2 55%
By Points
GlamorSleuth 796
hopkinsmp24 +4 420
HappyClue +1 368
4 debbiesmails -2 348
5 elolvido 198
6 aintme -3 192
7 Carthybateman2 +28 173
8 jc15 -1 172
9 Sparkelle +2 169
10 CarthyandBateman1 +30 166

Last 12 Months

By Percentage
GlamorSleuth 67%
Killy +1 61%
elolvido +1 59%
4 amalthea21 +1 58%
5 redlychee +1 57%
6 huevon11 +1 57%
7 Chimera +1 55%
8 debbiesmails +1 55%
9 PollyPutTheKettleOn +1 54%
10 j08 +1 53%
By Points
Dug 1,272
elolvido +1 1,090
HappyClue -1 1,039
4 GlamorSleuth 796
5 PollyPutTheKettleOn 777
6 JuliaS 750
7 amalthea21 730
8 DectectiveDuncan 696
9 aintme +5 647
10 debbiesmails -1 583
Notice: Top Sleuth statistics are generated each night upon release of each mystery's solution and point tabulations.