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Suspect List

  • John Alden
  • Miles Standish
  • Priscilla Mulllins
  • William Bradford


3 Avg. Score
37% Solve Rate
05:05.44 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/11/23 Date Published

The Pilgrim Thanksgiving Puzzle

Written by William Shepard

It was Mr. Torrington, our seventh grade American history teacher at Weaver Middle School, who came up with the idea. Instead of the usual, tired, same old history pageant, our class would put on one to remember. We would run the pageant, but it wouldn’t be exactly correct. I mean, for three of the students playing historical characters, it would be, but the fourth would enact something that didn’t happen, or not in the way it was presented. Then after the pageant, we’d see just how many of the parents were really paying attention!