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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Geraldine
  • Julianna
  • Luis
  • Mr. Bento


6 Avg. Score
61% Solve Rate
04:27.24 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2008/11/19 Date Published

The Chocolate Cupcake Caper

Written by PIP Writer


Paula was startled as she walked through the door. Amidst the colorful balloons and fluttering streamers, she was, in fact, surprised. Her cheeks had already been flushed by the hot July weather. Now, her skin color was nearing tomato-red.

Again the crowd shouted, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”

Paula smiled. She was gleaming at her co-workers. “Thanks everyone!” she exclaimed. “It’s so nice that you guys thought of me.”

“No sweat,” replied Paula’s boss, Mr. Bento. “You’re a hardworking girl who deserves to have a wonderful birthday. Except, I hope you don’t mind that there’s no cake. You know that I’m on a strict diet!” He winked at her and blew his party kazoo.