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Suspect List

  • Archibald Hopkins
  • Countess Mannerley
  • Loralie Courtney
  • Robert Bannington


6 Avg. Score
55% Solve Rate
07:00.24 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/01/05 Date Published

Lestrade Solves a Case

Written by William Shepard

The Brighton police were baffled. And, I must admit, it was a troublesome case. Fortunately, I was taking my August fortnight holiday in Brighton and happened to be on the scene. I presented my official card to Inspector Malmson of the Brighton Constabulary.

“Chief Inspector Lestrade, Scotland Yard,” he read. “This is indeed an honor, sir. What luck, having you here! Would you please assist us with the investigation? A titled guest has had her necklace stolen!” I looked at him sharply. He adjusted his request: “I mean, Chief Inspector, would you please take over the investigation? We stand ready of course to assist you in any way.”