League Rankings

These leaderboards are ranked based on cumulative statistice for all active league members.

League Ranks - 30 Day

League Ranks - 12 Month

By Percentage
World Traveling Sleuths 57%
Glitter Detectives 51%
poopppp 50%
4 Cool KIds Only!!!!!!!!! 50%
5 frenzy#2077 50%
6 the moriarteas - william & jean 50%
7 AS Team 48%
8 HBHS 2017 - 12EN3 EM 44%
9 11EN2 - EM - 2017 44%
10 921 - 2017 - EM 44%
By Points
221b Baker St. 26,233
Homeschool Heroes 11,478
4 Tokyo Detectives 8,047
5 Fritsche's Fact Finders 7,686
6 10RD - EM - 2024 6,256
7 A.B. Private Investigators +1 4,930
8 10KKR - 2024 -1 4,391
9 Anyone can join +24 3,185
10 A Random League Because Why Not -1 2,815
Notice: Top Leagues statistics are generated each night upon release of each mystery's solution and point tabulations.