League Rankings

These leaderboards are ranked based on cumulative statistice for all active league members.

League Ranks - 30 Day

By Percentage
Boss Bitches 52%
Homeschool Heroes 26%
221b Baker St. 26%
4 Yotland Scard 21%
5 Quirky Readers 21%
6 Sherlock Holmes 21%
7 Christians Forever 21%
8 The Sherlock Holmes League 21%
9 Holmes inc. 21%
10 The Top Sleuths 21%

League Ranks - 12 Month

By Points
221b Baker St. 23,226
Homeschool Heroes 7,917
10RD - EM - 2024 6,239
4 Lambert's Super Sleuth Splice Gang 4,579
5 10KKR - 2024 4,388
6 HIMS 4,212
7 Fritsche's Fact Finders 3,257
8 Tokyo Detectives 3,229
9 The Holmes Representatives 2,693
10 hotsauce's league 2,568
Notice: Top Leagues statistics are generated each night upon release of each mystery's solution and point tabulations.