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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Kyle Kravetsky
  • Marnie Pepper
  • Matilda Robbens
  • Sergio Ramos


5 Avg. Score
48% Solve Rate
05:23.72 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/12/04 Date Published

Who Let the Frogs Out

Written by Laird Long

Mr. Womback’s first clue that something was wrong the next morning was when he spotted two frogs sitting in a puddle in the teachers’ parking lot. They eyed him suspiciously, and he eyed them. His second clue was when he found both the door to his classroom and his storage room unlocked. His final clue was when he saw the aquarium sitting empty, the window above it slightly ajar.

“Morning, Teach,” Kyle Kravetsky said, strolling into the storage room. “Hey, where are all the croakers?”

Mr. Womback gritted his teeth. “Apparently, they somehow escaped through a closed window sometime after I left the classroom – locked! – at 4:00 pm yesterday afternoon. Kyle!?”