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  • Bug collector
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3 Avg. Score
37% Solve Rate
06:37.79 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/01/29 Date Published

The Sky Sleuths

Written by Moe Zilla

He'd robbed a bank. But no one knew who he was.

The Channel 2 news van pulled up in front of the bank. Rita Sanchez raced to the sidewalk. She was on TV every night -- but it was a man with a clipboard who seemed to be in charge. He told the cameraman where to set up, while a technician emerged from the van with an enormous light. An audio man wearing black headphones came out of the van. He pulled out a long pole with a microphone on the end. The crew focused the equipment on Rita, who stared confidently into the camera and described the scene.

“At 1:00 p.m., two masked gunmen entered the building, and demanded all of the money in the cash register.”