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Suspect List

  • Al Gibson
  • Johnny Woodward
  • Ray Shields
  • Tim Acord
  • Watson Treadway


4 Avg. Score
49% Solve Rate
06:09.62 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2009/01/14 Date Published

The ROB Club Murder Mystery

Written by Tom Fowler

They met every Monday morning for breakfast at Faye’s Café. The group, which now called themselves the ROB (Retired Old Boys) Club, dined in a private room. Johnny was especially grateful for the privacy this morning, as he did not wish for anyone to overhear what he was planning to discuss. During breakfast, he did not say or do anything that would cause the others alarm, although a couple of friends noticed that he was unusually tense.

Johnny looked around the table at his four best friends. There were -- at one point in time -- six of them, including himself. But Eddie had died the same afternoon of the unsuccessful attempt on President Reagan’s life. Eddie had died on a Tuesday. And Johnny knew Eddie had been murdered. He knew also that the killer was at the table with them.