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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Carole
  • Dan
  • Diane
  • Principal Whittenmeyer


5 Avg. Score
56% Solve Rate
05:07.64 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/01/20 Date Published

The Punch with a Punch

Written by Barney Parmington

I did my best to play it cool and not go over and talk with all of the kids I knew. Fortunately, many of them stopped over during the night to say a quick hello. Even RJ stopped by about an hour into the dance. He was standing there talking to me when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. It seemed as if he had eaten something that did not agree with him. I started to ask what he had for dinner when I noticed that most of the students were also clutching their stomachs in pain.

As I looked around the room, it quickly became apparent that there were only five people who were unaffected and I was one of them. Dan quickly walked away from the punch bowl and headed over to where I was, stopping to get Carole and Diane on the way. There were three of the four other unaffected people. Principal Whittenmeyer, the last healthy person, saw everyone converging on me and walked over as well. Very quickly we realized that someone had spiked the punch. Since I had been the first one to have some and I had not gotten sick, it certainly looked as if I had done something to the punch to make everyone sick.