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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Chris Palmer
  • Matthew Light
  • Mitchell Land
  • Paul Benham
  • Russell Smith


7 Avg. Score
54% Solve Rate
06:21.29 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2009/12/07 Date Published

The Missing Dagger

Written by Tom Fowler

Paul Benham, Mitchell (Mitch) Land, Matthew Light, Chris Palmer and Russell Smith had been friends since junior high school, almost 50 years ago. Russell was very pleased that Mitch and Chris came from out of town to attend these yearly reunions. Every year, during the fireside chats, which the men were enjoying tonight, they would comment on the uniqueness of their lengthy and lasting friendship. Just in the last couple of years, they had begun to refer to themselves as “The Longevity Club.”

Russell, as were the others, was full of good food and brandy. He was in a talkative mood this night. He asked his friends, “Have I ever mentioned my great-grandfather’s jewel encrusted dagger? He obtained it in the Middle East in the 1850s. It is a beautiful work of art as well as being a very efficient and deadly weapon.”