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Suspect List

  • Dr. Edgar Newton
  • Melinda Baker
  • Simon Plympton
  • Susan Plympton


3 Avg. Score
31% Solve Rate
06:05.79 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/08/17 Date Published

The Jackie Mitchell Autographed Baseball Mystery

Written by Robbie Cutler

All Centerville was in mourning when John Plympton died. He was a banker who knew everyone, and had helped many people over the years. For forty years he had authorized loans that more conservative lenders wouldn’t have granted. Then, after he retired, he was known locally as something of a soft touch, particularly after he lost his wife. Helping people became more than a hobby. It was almost a reason for him to keep living. But nobody foresaw the fuss that would be raised when he revealed that he owned one of the most valuable autographed baseballs in the history of the game!