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Suspect List

  • Daisy Morris
  • Dale Clark
  • Iain Potts
  • Lucy Smith


4 Avg. Score
41% Solve Rate
05:20.68 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/06/26 Date Published

The Hanging Figure

Written by Stefanina Hill

Forest View House was an isolated mansion owned by an elderly man named Mr. Howard Peters. One wild, autumn night, Mr. Peters was entertaining guests and in the small hours of the morning screams awoke the occupants of the house. Miss Lucy Smith had looked out of her bedroom window and seen the limp form of Mr. Peters hanging from one of the garden trees and started to scream.

Everyone rushed out to the hanging figure. After staring at it for several minutes however, they could see that it was not Mr. Peters himself but an old first aid dummy dressed in his clothes. The confused party made their way back to the house only to discover that a priceless painting had been stolen while they were outside.