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Suspect List

  • Cory
  • David
  • Mark
  • String


6 Avg. Score
62% Solve Rate
05:03.4 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2009/07/31 Date Published


Written by Laird Long

“I wanna ride your new bike!” Mark whined.

Matthew didn’t even bother glancing away from the video game he was playing with his friend, String, to look at his little brother. “Not a chance, short stuff,” he said, zapping String’s on-screen troll with a blue thunderbolt.

Mark’s lower lip and chin started to tremble. “I’m-I’m telling Dad when he gets back!” the nine-year-old shrieked at his older brother on the basement couch. “He said you were supposed to share the bike with me sometimes!”