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Suspect List

  • Bathroom
  • Bedroom of daughter, Anita Jensen
  • Bedroom of oldest son, Harry Jensen
  • Bedroom of youngest son, Edward Jensen
  • Master bedroom of Earl and Mildrid Jensen


6 Avg. Score
52% Solve Rate
06:06.41 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2009/01/19 Date Published

Murder in the Old House

Written by Tom Fowler

Todd Jensen recently inherited the old Jensen family home. He and his wife, Anne, were busy with repairs and remodeling. It was a wonderful inheritance, as the home, built in 1910, was surprisingly modern in design.

So, it was on a bitterly cold and dark winter day that Todd sat across from his beloved cousin, Charlene, who had come for a visit. Todd took his seat after pouring steaming mugs of hot chocolate. He began to relate the story he had promised her. He did not tell her there would be a challenge as well …