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Suspect List

  • Hansom Cab Driver
  • Policeman
  • Theater Usher
  • Ticket Seller


7 Avg. Score
61% Solve Rate
05:33.86 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/04/24 Date Published


Written by Robbie Cutler

Professor Moriarty was pleased with the criminal he had selected to rid London, once and for all, of Sherlock Holmes. Fastidious Fred Fielder was, as his nickname implied, a man who could dress the part, any part. He could be at home in a drawing room in London’s elite West End, or he could disguise himself in a number of costumes to fit into any locale. Furthermore, he was not known in London, having committed his larcenies and occasional murders in Liverpool. Yes, Fastidious Fred was the man for the job. And he’d won the right to do the job, and earn a large amount of money, in a contest carefully arranged by Moriarty.