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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Edward Frates
  • James Madigan
  • Peter Zielny
  • Ronald Finch
  • Russell Winwood


5 Avg. Score
40% Solve Rate
05:33.11 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2009/04/06 Date Published

Lockbox 100

Written by Tom Fowler

Robert Caldwell always looked forward to the fourth Monday of each month. This was when the Mystery Club of the Caldwell and Zielny law firm met to discuss the next mystery challenge. The club was made up of himself, his partner, Peter Zielny, and several young attorneys who were salaried employees.

This month, it was Robert’s turn to come up with a mystery challenge. As there were now six members within this group of mystery lovers, Robert knew that he would not have to do this again for several months. So, as his fellow group members entered the firm’s spacious conference room for the meeting, he was pleased with the mystery he had devised for this month.

Robert greeted each member warmly with a smile and firm handshake. Coffee, soft drinks and club sandwiches awaited them as the meeting began. He began by saying, “For this month’s mystery challenge, we are going to do something different. We’re not going to participate in a whodunit, as we often do. And we’re not going to discuss a true crime mystery. Rather, this month we will act out our own mystery study right here in our own office.”