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Suspect List

  • Dora
  • Lester
  • Uncle Art
  • Zach


5 Avg. Score
51% Solve Rate
05:00.3 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2008/11/10 Date Published

Flying Saucer of New Mexico

Written by Moe Zilla

Larry and Zach agreed about one thing that the military reported a gigantic hot-air balloon that crashed into the desert in 1947, filled with top-secret research equipment. But Zach insisted that this was just a story to conceal what the military really discovered - a mysterious flying saucer from outer space.

There was nothing but desert around them, but the highway would lead to Zach's uncle Art. He'd retired to a trailer in the desert and had spent the years watching the skies for asteroids and hoping for the chance to spot lost interplanetary spaceships.

But the first mystery was finding where Uncle Art lived! Unfortunately, Zach didn't know the road's name and only remembered that it was the sixth dirt road past state route 246. Larry worried that instead of counting the roads, Zach was concentrating more on convincing him to believe in spaceships!