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Suspect List

  • Alfred Cooper
  • Isabelle Rogers
  • James Fennimore
  • Madge Anderson


5 Avg. Score
48% Solve Rate
05:00.30 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/03/13 Date Published

Drama Queen

Written by Andrea Hein

The last thing Rebecca Williams ever expected when she auditioned for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof was to land the part of Maggie “the Cat” Pollitt. But there it was, posted on the corkboard right outside the theater doors: Rebecca’s name, followed by Maggie.

“This has got to be some kind of mistake!” Isabelle’s shrieks reverberated through the drafty halls of the theater. “Where is Alfred? I simply won’t stand for this!” She marched into the director’s office and slammed the door behind her. Minutes later Isabelle stormed out of the director’s office, her face streaked with angry tears. “I’ll get you for this,” she hissed at Rebecca. She turned and pushed her way past Madge Anderson, who had just arrived, and exited the theater.