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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Cynthia Peck
  • Josh Kesler
  • Megan Brewer
  • Steve Ledbetter


2 Avg. Score
34% Solve Rate
07:37.13 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/02/03 Date Published

Death in the Office

Written by Tom Fowler

It was 8:35 A.M. and Cynthia Peck was not only in a bad mood but late for work as well, which was most unusual for her. Not only was she late, but rain had been coming down in a torrential downpour since 7:13. She knew it was 7:13 because that is what the digital clock in her automobile reflected as the first thick raindrops splattered her windshield. As she entered the Ames building, she cursed silently that her oversized umbrella had done a poor job of keeping her dry. But, today, it was probably good that she was late, for it could possibly be herself that her administrative assistant, Megan Brewer, found dead on the floor of her spacious office.