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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Mr. Carlson
  • Mr. Leamington
  • Mrs. Roberts
  • Randy Peters


5 Avg. Score
44% Solve Rate
04:52.74 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/11/13 Date Published

Car Trouble

Written by Steve Shrott

Who did this? I asked myself, not believing what was in front of me.

I had arrived at my psychology office at ten this morning, as usual. Then, I walked across the road to the local coffee shop, had a latte and half an hour later headed back to the office.

That’s when I saw my slashed tires.

I was shocked! The fact that four tires had been cut instead of just one indicated that it wasn’t just a prank by some kids in the neighborhood. It was obviously done by someone who had issues with me.