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Suspect List

  • April Key #4
  • Denise Key #6
  • Harold Key #1
  • Kirsten Key #5
  • Robert (Buddy) Key #3


5 Avg. Score
42% Solve Rate
07:08.9 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2009/06/15 Date Published

Brass Keyboard Mystery

Written by Tom Fowler

Steven pondered this at the kitchen table for several minutes. Intense concentration helped him fight the onset of dementia and now he had something to figure out. He recalled mentioning to one of his children that he was as keeping something of great value in one of the kids’ bedrooms, but could remember nothing else about the conversation, or about the item of great value he had hidden somewhere.

Steven knew he would have to take extraordinary measures to find who was tampering with the keys. It was obvious that one of his children was entering the home when he was away and searching for what he was already calling in his mind, “The Treasure.”

So Steven devised a plan. He would hide in the house and wait for whoever was coming in unannounced.