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Suspect List

  • Concerned Neighbor
  • Confused Commuter
  • Perplexed Dog Walker
  • Smug in Suburbia


2 Avg. Score
33% Solve Rate
05:31.47 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/02/23 Date Published


Written by Robbie Cutler

Inspector Samuels couldn’t believe his eyes. He stared at the huge man who had just come through the door. He seemed to fill the office all by himself. Why, he was six foot five inches tall at least. “Actually, six foot six,” the man said. “It used to be my nickname, during basketball season. But that was before the football season started. Tech didn’t get many players weighing 265 in those days—that’s when they started calling me Crusher Davis.”

“I can certainly see why,” Inspector Samuels blurted out. “What I don’t follow is this ‘Ask Martha’ business. The call from the Chronicle said that the reporter from the advice column—what we used to call the agony column—was on the way to see me. Martha. Everyone knows that is Martha somebody. Seems like everybody reads that column now. I mean, my wife tells me it’s interesting and well written.”